
Different Strokes to Move The World

Merry meet and welcome back!
Today we will be discussing the different types of Wicca. Which do you practise?

Under this branch of Wicca you will most likely follow the traditions of Celtic belief, praying to their deities. This encompasses Druidism, Celtic Shamanism, Celtic Christianity/Culdees[ "God's companion."], the Grail religion and Celtic Wicca.
These religions are from the ancient pre-Christian British Isles and the Celtic religion Gaul.
Celtic religions are under the Neo-Pagan revival. Celtic practitioners are primarily focused on nature, their unity with the Earth. It is common for these Wiccans to heal and practise rituals that honour their deities. They hold tightly to Celtic traditions and beliefs, such as their myths and deities.

Dianic: These Wiccans follow mainly Diana and Artemis, Greek deities. Their followers generally are feminist and comprised of mainly women only. They generally use Faery or Gardnerian rituals or practises or create their own. They frequently combined politics and religion together. Feminist Dianic groups are women only and have a strong lesbian force.
Both non-feminist and feminist groups' goal is to bring about the presence of the Goddess and raising women power. These covens have major television networks devoted to them and their cause.

Faery: Incorporates one's own body into the ritual, their rituals being creative and use the caster's poems, songs, stories to be performed. Some use sexual mysticism, which makes this a popular choice among all sexual orientations.

Shaman [Witchcraft and Wiccan]: Shaman's role is to heal and provide healing. Wiccan Shamans are of a more modern healing, focusing on psychology, incorporating drumming and dancing such like those found in Africa. Witchcraft Shamanism is of the same beliefs but use herbs to affect transition between worlds.

Gardnerian: Gerald Gardner wrote about his coven's beliefs in 1949. They were influenced by Freemasonry and Aleister Crowley with traditional folk magic and Tantric Hinduism. Their worship is devoted to the God and Goddess. Their work is made for coven work though solitary Wiccans have practised. They work through wine, knots, chanting, meditation, dancing, and some astral projection.

Alexandrian: Most covens allow "drop-in" circles usually under the term "neophyte." They learn the basic training before being admitted into 1st degree initiation. Alexandrian Wicca is very similar to Gardnarian though there is some differences. As well as essentially same practises, the names of some deities have changed. In some ways the differences are only superficial, in others the slight differences are fundamental. Over time these two sects have slowly meld together and are almost indistinguishable. 

Minoan Brotherhood and Sisterhood: Minoan Brotherhood is an exclusively gay male sect. The Sisterhood is women-only. Minoans practise a loose Gardnerian set of beliefs including sexual mysticism.

Blessed be!

Brinley Fallon